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$10 reward for Starting a New Job

Become a savings expert and Marquette Savings Bank will help with a $10 credit in your Mpowered™ U checking account.

**Marquette encourages students to continue to take classes to prepare and save for your future, however, Marquette will only reward you with up to $100 for the completion of the classes.

Teach tax basics with Banzai’s financial literacy curriculum built for elementary, junior high, and high school students.
Teaching Tax Basics
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Health Insurance Basics
If you have a high-deductible health insurance plan, you can allocate tax-free income toward your health with a health savings account.
Health Savings Accounts
Disability insurance benefits are the best way for you to know your finances are secure in the event of an acquired disability or sudden illness.
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Federal Income Taxes are charged on all taxable income in a given year. These funds are used for public goods and services.
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Job Benefits

5 min read
Finding jobs with the right benefits may not be as difficult as you think. Most jobs offer additional benefits that can make a big difference to yourself and your dependents.
Job Benefits
Learning Reward
3 Min Activity
Reward Quiz
After you’ve finished the task above, take this short quiz. Answer 4 out of 5 questions to pass.