Deep Dive into Banzai
30 min PD credit
Go beyond the Banzai Basics and learn about all the resources you can utilize in the classroom.
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Gear Up for New Games
Gear Up for New Games
30 min PD credit
Get the scoop on our new games debuting for fall 2024—Retirement: The Elephant in the Room, Stock Market Showdown, and Finance Summer Camp.
Jump$tart Teen Teach In: Peer-to-Peer Fin Lit Learning
Jump$tart Teen Teach In: Peer-to-Peer Fin Lit Learning
30 min PD credit
High schoolers can be teacher for a day with this nationwide financial literacy event.
Burnout with Chelsea Frost
Burnout with Chelsea Frost
60 min PD credit
Prevent burnout in this informative session that combines the latest burnout research with prevention science.